Rollup Property Sheet
Available in:
Actual Window Manager,
Actual Window Rollup.
The Rollup property sheet comprises all options related to Roll Up action.
Rolled up if inactive checkbox - mark it to automatically
roll the target window up when it
becomes inactive. In the related group of controls you can mark the
Delay before rolling up checkbox to specify in the related edit field the proper amount of milliseconds
(positive integer value) to wait before the target window will be rolled up.
Unrolled if active checkbox - mark it to unroll the target window
when it becomes active again. In the related group of controls you can
mark the Delay before unrolling checkbox to specify in the related edit field the proper amount of
milliseconds (positive integer value) to wait before the target window will be unrolled.
Unrolled while being mouse-hovered checkbox - mark it to temporarily unroll the
previously rolled target window while it is under the mouse pointer. When the
mouse pointer goes outside target window, it will be rolled up back. Also, there are related controls allowing to
define delays:
- Delay before unrolling checkbox - mark it to specify in the related edit field the proper amount of
milliseconds (positive integer value) to wait before the target window will be temporarily unrolled
- Delay before rolling up checkbox - mark it to specify in the related edit field the proper amount of
milliseconds (positive integer value) to wait before the target window will be rolled up back
Via title button checkbox - mark it to add the
Roll Up title button to target window's title bar.
Via window menu item checkbox - mark it to add the
Roll Up menu item to target window's system window menu.
Via title bar double-click checkbox - mark it to
roll the target window up by
double-clicking its title bar.
Rollup Add-ins group - allows enabling the execution of other actions along with rolling
- Stay always-on-top checkbox - mark it to make the target window
always-on-top while it's rolled up